
First Hall
The first Masonic Hall in Hong Kong was built in 1853 by The Zetland Lodge No. 525, English Constitution, and was named Zetland Hall in honour of the Lodge that built it.
The Zetland Lodge itself was named as a compliment to the then Grand Master, Thomas, Second Earl of Zetland, who was The Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England from 1844 to 1870.
Second Hall
In 1865 this hall was replaced by a second larger and more impressive building in Zetland Street in the Central business district. This second Zetland Hall lasted until 1944 when it was destroyed by American bombing; Hong Kong then being under Japanese occupation during the Pacific War of 1941‐1945.
In 1946, the site of this hall in Zetland Street was sold to the Hong Kong Electric Company for HK$ 900,000.

Third Hall
1949 Laying Foundation Stone
Between 1945 to 1950 the Freemasons of Hong Kong met in temporary premises while a site for a new hall was found.
The current site at 1 Kennedy Road, previously the St George Hotel (presumably destroyed also by bomb damage, was subsequently purchased. Plans for a new building had been drawn up by the Masonic internees whilst at Stanley Internment Camp during the war years.
Construction of this hall began in 1949, with the foundation stone being laid on 2 April 1949. Work was finished in January 1950, and the Hall was dedicated to Masonic use in an impressive ceremony on 30 January 1950.
Third Hall
On 30 January 2000, a Service of Thanksgiving conducted by W. Bro. The Reverend John Chinchen, assisted by W. Bro. The Hon Mr Justice Godfrey VP, PJGD, was held to mark the 50th Anniversary of the rededication of Zetland Hall.
After the service a new War Memorial in honour of those Freemasons in Hong Kong who fell in the two World Wars was unveiled and dedicated by R. W. Bro. A. E. Gomes, MBE, Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Far East, Irish Constitution, W. Bro. R.W.C. Mok , MBE, PJGD, Past Deputy District Grand Master, English Constitution, and Bro. David Lam BEM, W. District Grand Bible Bearer, Scottish Constitution, all of whom were interned as Prisoners of War in Hong Kong between 1941-1945.